Welcome to Blessing Drops

Day 11: Give Thanks
Give Thanks
Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free
Thank you so much for letting me be me.
Thank you for using all my ability.
Thank you for taking away shame and timidity.
Thank you for each day's daily directions.
Thank you for sending the angels for protection.
Thank you for being inside my heart.
Thank you for giving me a new start.
Thank you, you've told me I'm never alone.
Thank you for all my sins you've atoned.
Thank you for preparing a mansion for me.
Thank you for ruling over creation eternally.
Thank you for being yourself, Lord.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you, Father Thank you, Son
Thank you, Holy Spirit,
All in One
God plus one is always a majority!
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into
His courts with praise! Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and
affectionately praise His name!
Psalms 100:4