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“Jackie Holland does not fit your typical “Mother Teresa” mental picture, but she does demonstrate in undeniable fashion the compassion of the Christ who lives within her heart. It is truly an inspiration to see a woman with the grace and dignity of Jackie Holland living a life where ‘the rubber truly meets the road’. She takes seriously the mandate illustrated in the Good Samaritan; Get in the ditch of despair, and lift up the broken. She’s doing it, thank God, and may her number increase.”
Pastor/Founder Life Outreach International
James Robison

"Jackie Holland is an amazing woman of God with a powerful testimony. She has wholeheartedly embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is to minister salvation to the lost, broken, and wounded. She is a dynamic speaker and her anointed transparency yet powerful approach to real-life issues will usher you straight into the presence of a loving GOD who is ready to forgive, restore, and renew the life of "whosoever will"."
Former First Lady of Whitewright, Texas
Narda Asogwa (Goodson) Ministries
Narda Asogwa
“I’ve just finished reading Jackie Holland’s new book, Exposed Heart. Her personal testimony is both compelling and inspirational especially for women who have lost hope for doing effective ministry. After repeated personal and marriage failures, God miraculously transformed Jackie’s life into a dynamic testimony of reaching the downtrodden, abused and exploited of our culture. You won’t be able to put her book down. I highly recommend Jackie’s book for reading and sharing.”
Senior Editor Ministries Today
Life Center Ministries
Dr. Larry Keefauver

“Exposed Heart” is a true story about an amazing woman. It will hold you spellbound as you read of the abusive heart-rending experiences Jackie endured for many years. Adultery, rejection, jealousy, violence, anger, depression and failure tore her life apart. She began feeling hopeless and contemplated suicide. During this chaotic mess, God began to speak to Jackie. As she began trusting and following Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord, He ultimately put her life back together and gave her the desire to reach out to hurting people. Jackie is now a very Christ-centered person and truly desires to help hurting women from all walks of life. Once I started reading this book I could hardly put it down. It is one you will want to pass on to friends who need to know that God can take a messed up, sin-filled chaotic life and make it a blessing to many.”
Bedford, Texas
T.D. Hall
"I have known Jackie Holland for many years and I've seen up close her work with abused women. Jackie is the real deal. In an age of fakes and forgeries, she has been a true model of the compassion of Jesus Christ for countless people - and especially for the women she has rescued through her work in Dallas, Texas. Her story, which we published in Charisma magazine several years ago, is one of the most dramatic testimonies of Christ's redemption I've ever read. her new book, Dumpsters and Diamonds, offers compelling proof that Jesus is alive today and working in His people"
J. Lee Grady, Former Editor, Charisma Magazine
Director, The Mordecai Project
J. Lee Grady

"You cannot know Jackie Holland very long without learning she has two great passions that direct her life. First of all, she loves Jesus with all her heart. Secondly, Jackie loves people. She loves people that many ministries overlook. She has a special gift of finding the diamonds in the rough."
Senior Pastor Raymond England
Trinity Lighthouse Church, Denison, Texas
Senior Pastor Raymond England

“It's an honor to call Jackie Holland a friend. She is one of the most genuine and enduring individuals I know. I've always loved how Jackie can see the beauty in the midst of some of the most difficult season of life. Her perspective comes from her deep and loving relationship with her heavenly father. You can't help feeling better about your issues when you're around Jackie. She is contagious!”
Marriage & Family Pastor
Gateway Church, NRH Campus
Stan Dennis
"Jackie Holland has been called to a unique ministry. At first, I saw her diving in head first in that dumpster behind a grocery store to retrieve as she shay, "Perfectly good food" to take back to our church and begin building one of the first major food ministries in the country. From Dumpsters to Diamonds will guarantee a reqd that is intriguing, refreshing, humorous at times. In some stories, the reader will be brought to a shocking halt because of the riveting truth. Jackie Holland is strikingly beautiful. She has the ability to go through doors holding her Bible to places very few other ministers could even get one foot in the door. Jackie has continued to take the Word to the lost no matter the danger. Jackie Holland has been called to a ministry reaching out especially to women who have lost their self-respect and are being abused and don't know how to get out of their cage of pain. Other women are held captive behind bars and in prison thinking they have no hope in their life. Jackie Holland is the real thing! She has been my prayer sister for many years. We produced a television show aimed toward single women. Jackie Holland has a hunger as a minister to share the love of Jesus to hurting people who see no way out!"
Author, Non-Verbal Communication Consultant
Vocal and Stage Presence Coach
Jayne Lybrand
Jane Brannon Lybrand

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