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Jackie Holland | Whosoever Will Outreach Ministries | Chaplains For Women
LIVE Stream | Jackie Holland | Whosoever Will Outreach Ministries | Chaplains For Women

Welcome to Blessing Drops

Daily Drops by Jackie Holland

Day 8: Hope for the Hopeless

Hope For The Hopeless

On the old rugged cross with nails in His hands

He reached out to the world

And saw the joy in His Father's plans.

He could have come down or called angels to fight.

But the day had been set and time was right.

I will never again think I'm not worth the cost

Because not a drop of His blood will ever be lost.

It still cleanses sinners, heals their broken hearts,

Gives hope to the hopeless and gives them new starts.

Even the wealthiest person in this world

cannot afford the price for just one soul.

And so for their sake and on their behalf I sanctify (dedicate, consecrate) Myself, that they also may be sanctified (dedicated, consecrated, made hold)

in the Truth.

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