Welcome to Blessing Drops

Day 12: Sonship
It's hard for me to understand
That someone like me
Could be called a son of the living God
And yet, He has changed me and set me free.
I tried to make it on my own before.
I made resolutions time after time.
But I was never been able to keep even one
Because the power I had was just only mine.
I praise your name my Father,
I worship and exalt you this day.
I'm looking forward to what you are teaching me
For you are showing me a much better way.
The secret to contentment is the
realization that life is a gift, not a right.
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery
to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received
the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing son-ship] in
[the bliss of] which we cry Abba (Father)! Father!
Romans 8:14-15